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Department of botany
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Přírodovědecká fakulta UPOL

Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Palacký University in Olomouc

Department of Botany provides for the botanical education of students enrolled in master's study of the Systematic Biology, Ecology, Molecular Biology and Biology teaching. The Department is responsible for courses in a broad range of subjects. The Department also offers a doctoral (Ph.D.) degree in Botany.

Department of Botany provides for the botanical education of students enrolled in master's study of the Systematic Biology, Ecology, Molecular Biology and Biology teaching. The Department is responsible for courses in a broad range of subjects. The Department also offers a doctoral (Ph.D.) degree in Botany.

There are more than 20 members of staff including 1 professor, 4 associate professors and 8 assistant professors. The Department is organised into five sections: plant biosystematics and ecology; tissue culture and conservation plant biology; phytopathology & microbiology, phycology and molecular biology lab. Botanical garden is associated part of the Department.

The Department has well equipped experimental labs, airconditioned growth chambers, cultivation rooms and greenhouses and a relatively large herbarium (OL). The National Collection of Algae and Phytopathogenic Fungi is located at the Department. The in vivo cultures include a unique collection of carnivorous plants.

Research activities cover a wide range of topics in theoretical and applied botany. As a most important topics could be considered: anatomical-histological research of selected plant genera; taxonomical-chorological research; research of plant communities and plant biodiversity; population biology of clonal plants, reproduction biology and plant genepool conservation (in-situ, ex-situ); nature conservation; phytogeography; plant tissue cultures in a broad sense; the epidemiology and genetic variability of plant pathogenic fungi; identification of resistance genes in wild progenitors of crops; research of resistance mechanisms; taxonomy and ecology of algae; the microbiological characteristics of aquatic environments.

The Department has a wide network of domestic and international contacts and cooperates with more than 30 universities and research institutions around the world. The Department also operates as a consultancy service for the public, agricultural and horticultural industry in the field of botany and plant biology.

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